Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lazy Saturday

Three of Coles loves...snacks, juice, and boating. What more does a two year old need????

Swimming ROCKS!

Cole just loves to swim and this year we joined a boat club with a POOL! He and I hung out Labor Day and swam forever. He even got the guts (with a life jacket) to swim alone.
He swam so much that a snack was much needed!!!!

Cole's First BIG lesson...

We were boating one night and in the middle of a wonderfully fun 2 year old tantrum Cole threw his motorcycle over board. He got his first lesson in what does not float. He cried the whole rest of boating and broke my heart. Cole and I went straight to the Meijer and bought a whole pack of motorcycles. Not REALLY sure as to whom learned a lesson here....

Funny Guy

Cole has the BEST sense of humor! I have no clue what made him decide to do this but he sure got a laugh out of us!
So the other morning I hear Cole calling me-when I went into his room he was sitting just like this! I cracked up laughing at him and when I pulled off the blanket he was grinning ear to ear.